
Cheers To You!

Courtesy of The UES Meatball Shop 

Courtesy of The UES Meatball Shop 

        Cheers to the Weekend! Count yourself as one of the lucky ones, you made it through the second work week of the year. By this time, any new years resolution that you made is either a hit or a miss but no where in between. For those of you who have successfully stood by your word to make certain changes and improvements, it is time to celebrate! And for those who have fallen a bit short…NO WORRIES, you have almost the whole year of 2016 ahead of you. So kick back this weekend and soak up all the R&R that you can and get ready to tackle next week with a fresh face and an eager mind. 

Why Milk 'Moo'ved Out of My Diet

Growing up, I know that kids were encouraged to drink milk and not just with their cereal or with snacks but glasses of milk. I suppose that was a delight that stuck with me to adulthood. It was never a problem until recently when I noticed that after drinking milk I would feel bloated, slightly uncomfortable and I decided to go to the doctor and find out why this was. 

According to the doctor, I am slightly lactose intolerant. People might think that they are allergic to milk but actually their bodies simply cannot digest the main sugar found in milk which is lactose. After the age of five the body stops producing lactase that breaks down this sugar which leads to cramping, bloating and other body irritations. The truth is that only 60% percent on humans possess the ability to break down this sugar after childhood. 

Switching to alternatives like Almond, Coconut or even Soy are popular options and can be found in most stores and coffee shops. Almond milk is made from ground almonds and water, it’s naturally lower in calories and fat than cow’s milk. Coconut milk is watered down to match milk’s consistency and fat content. It’s usually fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Soy milk is made from ground soybeans and water, it contains high-quality protein and is often fortified with B vitamins, calcium, and vitamin D, giving it the closest nutrition profile to cow’s milk.

Give it a try, you could possibly be a part of the 40% who might have a lactose intolerance too!